Family Law Attorneys

Resolving a family law matter can be a tense and emotional experience. Bort Law’s collaborative approach follows a solution-oriented structure that helps families avoid stressful, contested litigation. Our family law attorneys focus on working together mindfully and respectfully to achieve the best outcome for everyone. Below are a few primary areas of family law what families can expect.

Dividing Marital Property and Debts

When spouses get divorced, one of the biggest hurdles they must overcome is the division of their marital assets, also called marital property. Marital assets might include (but are not limited to):

  • Homes and furniture
  • Vehicles
  • Businesses
  • Stocks, investments, and retirement plans

Anything the spouses purchased during the marriage is marital property – even if an item is only titled under one party’s name – and the couple will need to divide it during divorce.

Like their assets, divorcing spouses must also divide their marital debts. Debts either or both spouses acquired during marriage might include bills, loans, mortgages, tax obligations, judgements, and more.

Some states, like Pennsylvania, allow spouses to omit “non-marital” assets from the property division process. Separate assets may include any property that was:

  • Excluded in a prenuptial agreement
  • Brought into the marriage and kept separate
  • Gifted to one spouse during marriage
  • An inheritance one spouse received

It’s important to note that some separate property may become marital property during divorce – for example, assets that increase in value during marriage or assets used to make a common purchase.

Dividing marital assets and debts can feel like an overwhelming hurdle, but this part of the divorce process is where a collaborative, mindful approach really shines. We offer a solution-focused structure that encourages spouses to focus on reaching a great outcome for everyone involved.

Spousal Support

Spousal support, also known as alimony, helps the spouses keep the living standard they would have had if the divorce had not occurred. How much money one spouse will pay the other depends on factors including the length of marriage, whether the couple has children, the job opportunities available to the spouse receiving support, and how much one spouse contributed to the other’s education and career.

Child Custody and Support

If you have kids, child custody and support will also be factors in your divorce agreement. Custody refers to the physical rights and responsibilities to your child. One parent may have primary physical custody of the children after divorce, or both parents may share joint custody.

Each situation is different, so custody and support arrangements will be unique to each family. At Bort Law, we know that decisions involving a couple’s children can get particularly stressful during divorce. Our collaborative approach helps parents share their needs and goals and develop a fair arrangement.

Divorce and other family-related legal matters are difficult for anyone to endure. Coming to an agreement does not need to add more emotional pain. Our firm’s collaborative divorce approach will bring out the best in you as you work toward your resolution.